My Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank you for your steadfast Love, Mercy and Kindness towards everyone here @ Wisdom House International Ministries. Jehovah Jireh, the Creator of Gold and Diamond, I believe that every word in the Bible was breathed out by you (2 Tim 3:16); Therefore, I believe and received all of your PROMISES and BLESSINGS that you blessed me with as an obedient child of yours.

I hereby declare today that I am a tither, not a robber, a KINGDOM Investor, for your WORD says: where my heart is that is where my treasure is also: I am a Kingdom addict hence, I support my church – Wisdom House with my tithes and Offerings as you instructed me to do in your Word. I give faithfully, consistently, gladly, sincerely without grudges and hesitation. I am not compelled or cajoled to give but I give willingly, delightsomely and pleasurably.
You have blessed my home with immense wealth and opportunity. I have gold, I have silver and diamond. I am wealthy. I am not an object of pity or a sorry case. I am not a pauper. I am a grace carrier, uncommon specie, an epitome of greatness, the dimension of God’s Creativity and WISDOM. You have commanded me to honour you with my wealth hence, I pray that you will be honoured greatly this day as I give to you what is already yours; my first fruits, my tithes, my offerings. I support fully the Building fund, Missions work and the Kingdom agenda in all its totality.
Wisdom House International Bible College
My Maker, I am aware that no one should ever give a present to someone with reluctance and I should never give to you what is already yours with reluctance either. Help me not to withhold what is yours, LORD. I experience your blessings every day of my life and your blessings are always given to me freely and with ultimate love. You loved me all the way to the cross.
As an obedient child I hereby positioned myself for your super to come over my natural so that I can experience the SUPERNATURAL in all areas of my life. I am HARVEST conscious hence, I am fully rewarded for this act of OBEDIENCE today. I am blessed beyond curse. I am highly FAVOURED, my life is FLAVOURED, no more toiling, no more struggling because I live in GOSHEN. I live in my house, DEBT FREE. Everything I believe God for ….
A life free of sicknesses and diseases. dream jobs, promotion, raises and bonuses, benefits, sales and commissions, favourable settlements, estates and inheritances, interest and income, rebates and returns, discounts and dividends, checks in the mail, gifts and surprises, finding money, bills decreased and bills paid off, blessings and increase, soundness of mind, long life and prosperity.

…… are hereby delivered into my hands, such that nothing missing and nothing broken, my life is whole and complete. Thank you, Lord, for meeting my financial needs such that I have more than enough to give into the Kingdom of God and thereby promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ Worldwide. I therefore raise my hands today and say, “It is true; it is for me, I’m a giver. God has given to me and I am not limited by the world’s economy or by BREXIT. Heaven’s economy is mine.” I believe it, I see it and I possess it. In Jesus Mighty Name we confessed, AMEN.